Native Africa

Africa, my land. I love every aspect of it. There is a lot truth of what they  say about it. It is true the people seem weak. It is true that Africa was found native. It is true. There is a lot of work to be done in Africa. There are a lot of resources to be utilized. The land is raw. How it was found and how it is right now is not the same. A lot has been done already, and a lot is yet to be done. Truth be told, if it were not for the white men who came to Africa, it would not have been the way it is now. The white men contributed greatly to how Africa is now. I love the white man's eagerness to explore and discover, if it was not for such a man, Africa would still be native as it was found a hundred of years ago.

Africa needs to be more wise, as it is very rich. Be wise Africa, do not be used by a greedy man who claims to be your brother. Do not be used by a selfish white man who pretends to offer donations yet he wants to make himself rich. Be wise Africa, build yourself to who you really are. You are black, you are gentle, you are good, you are gifted, you are rich...

I love Africa. Love yourself Africa, you are beautiful....


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